Fighting Childhood Cancer and the Comfort of Music Therapy

Fighting Childhood Cancer and the Comfort of Music Therapy

Founder of Bear Paw Creek shares her personal experience of how Music Therapy brought comfort to her family during her daughter's fight with leukemia.

Music Therapy Children's Mercy Kansas City During Daughter Piper Cancer Treatment

On Dec. 3, I took our five year old daughter to the doctor as she just hadn’t been feeling well for a few weeks. Very pale and puny with occasional pains.  Within 15 minutes of being at the doctors, he sent us to the ER as her blood counts were very low.  Within the next three hours we were told she had a type of Leukemia and we were transported to Children’s Mercy in Kansas City.
By the following afternoon we had a diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).  If you have to have leukemia – this is the one to have.They have a 90% cure rate.
Why do I tell you all of this?  Business may be a little different over the next few months as we fight cancer.  BUT the main reason is – during this process we have been connected with music therapist, Liesel Stephens MT-BC!

Some of you know – Bear Paw Creek was originally founded to create products for music therapists and I have a love for their profession, who they are, and what they do.

I never imagined we would be on the receiving end of it – but we are.  The first day she came was about 10 minutes into  a new chemo treatment our little one had to have before we were released from the hospital.  My husband and I were tense and nervous as the possible side effect sheet was down right scary.  In comes Ms. Liesel!  I know Piper enjoyed the time playing drums, reading books and singing – but it made a huge difference in us as parents as we could feel the tension release from us and the room.   Another fun part was that Liesel asked Piper is she had any favorite songs.  She said the “Wheels on the Bus” book we do at our circle time at home.  You guessed it – Liesel pulled the same book out!  It sounds a lot better with an accomplished guitar player and singer!

We will be making weekly trips to KC for the next months.  Our first clinic day and second – Liesel showed up.

It’s been an amazing experience to actually be on the receiving end of music therapy, and I am humbled by it.  I also get a kick out of seeing a traveling music therapist live in action. You guys truly ROCK!

Childhood cancer fighter, Piper, received Music Therapy at Children's Mercy Kansas City Missouri Click To Tweet

Bear Paw Creek Founded for Music Therapists Products

Janet Stephens

Janet Stephens

Janet is the founder, designer, and one of the seamstresses behind Bear Paw Creek's made in the USA line of creative movement props, and bags. She is passionate about her faith, family, and loves the journey of learning and growing this life provides.

3 thoughts on “Fighting Childhood Cancer and the Comfort of Music Therapy”

  1. Sending love and prayers to your sweet little fighter. And yes, the power of music therapy does make a difference. Spreading the word about music and it’s ability to give patients normalcy, smiles, quality of life and relaxation is why music therapists are so needed in hospitals. Blessings to you all this season.

  2. Blessings to you and your family. I hope your precious daughter feels as well as possible as soon as possible.

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